General conditions
The reservation of any of the trips included in this program / brochure implies the total acceptance of these general conditions, which are considered automatically incorporated into all contracts that have as their object some of the aforementioned trips. Such conditions are binding on the parties and together with the particular conditions that are agreed upon or that appear in the travel documentation, they constitute the definitive contract. Due to the advance with which the program / brochure is published and the limited space, the complementary information and / or possible changes or modifications will be communicated to the client in the specific documentation of each trip, integrating the content of the contract.
1- These General Conditions are subject to the provisions of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, (BOE 287, of November 30, 2007), and other current provisions.
The contractual relationship between the organizing agency and the client is governed by these general conditions, by the particular clauses that are agreed in the package travel contract and by the technical sheet of the trip that details its definitive content.
2. The organization of the package tours included in this program-brochure has been carried out mostly by VIAJES AMIGO SL, CIF B-82952110, with address at c / Paseo de la Castellana, 161 - 1ºC, 28046 Madrid. CICMA 2299, and by CONOCE MUNDO SL, CIF B-87182200 with address at Camino de Hoyarrasa 12, Alcobendas, 28109, Madrid. CICMA 3130.
3. Request and confirmation of the reservation. 3.1. The traveler who comes to hire a combined trip will formalize a reservation request. At the time of making this request, the agency may request the consumer to deposit a sum equivalent to 50% of the amount of the trip. Once the reservation is confirmed, the amount paid will be charged to the price of the trip. If the traveler desists from the reservation request before its confirmation, the amount deposited will be returned, deducting the management and cancellation costs that have occurred. 3.2. The package travel contract will be finalized at the time of booking confirmation. If the agency cannot offer the requested trip and offers the consumer a similar or different trip, the contract will be perfected if the consumer accepts the change within 48 hours. In case of not accepting such change, the deposit will be returned to the traveler. 3.3 These conditions will also be applicable when the consumer requests the elaboration of a tailor-made package trip. 3.2 In order to issue airline tickets, the customer must pay 100% of the amount thereof at the time of issue.
4. Payment method. 4.1 Once the reservation is confirmed, the consumer must pay the remaining amount 60 to 30 days before traveling, depending on the trip (check conditions on each website or budget). If the total price of the trip is not paid in the conditions indicated, it will be understood that the consumer desists from the requested trip, the conditions provided in section 7 being applicable.
5- Price. The price of the combined trip has been calculated based on the exchange rates, transport rates, fuel costs and applicable fees and taxes on the date of publication of the program / brochure or subsequent ones that, where appropriate, have been made. public in print. Any variation in the price of the aforementioned elements may lead to the revision of the final price of the trip, in the strict amounts of the aforementioned price variations. These modifications will be notified to the consumer, being able, when the modification made is significant, desist from the trip, without any penalty, or accept the modification of the contract. The prices are always per person, unless the contract 5.1 is indicated. The combined trip price includes: 1. Round trip transportation, when this service is included in the contracted program / offer, with the type of transportation, characteristics and category that appear in the contract or in the documentation delivered to the consumer at the time of subscribing. 2. Accommodation, when this service is included in the contracted program / offer, in the establishment and with the food regime that appears in the contract or in the documentation that is delivered to the consumer at the time of signing it. 3. Rates or taxes of hotel establishments and indirect taxes when applicable. 4. Technical assistance during the trip, when this service is specifically included in the contracted program / offer. 5. All other services and accessories that are specifically specified in the contracted program / offer or that are expressly stated in the package travel contract. 6. In cases where the Agency deems it appropriate, it will send a companion with the groups, who will be in charge of paperwork and other formalities, not performing guide functions. 5.2. Special offers: When the combined trip is contracted as a result of special offers, last minute or equivalent, at a price different from that expressed in the program / brochure, the services included in the price are only those that are specified in detail in the offer , even when said offer refers to any of the programs described in this brochure, provided that said referral is made for the exclusive purposes of general information about the destination. 5.3 The price of the combined trip does not include Visas, airport taxes, and / or entry and exit taxes, vaccination certificates, "extras" such as coffees, wines, spirits, mineral waters, special diets, not even in the cases of Full board or half board, unless something else is expressly agreed in the contract, washing and ironing clothes, optional hotel services, and, in general, any other service not expressly listed in the section "The price of the combined trip includes “Or it is not specifically detailed in the program / offer, in the contract or in the documentation that is delivered to the consumer when signing it. 5.4. Excursions or optional visits: In the case of excursions or optional visits not contracted at origin, it must be borne in mind that they are not part of the combined travel contract. Its publication in the brochure is for informational purposes only ”. For this reason, at the time of contracting at the destination, variations in their costs may occur, which alter the estimated price. On the other hand, said excursions will be offered to the consumer with their specific conditions and definitive price independently, not guaranteeing until the moment of their contracting the possible realization of them. 5.5. Tips: Tips are not included in the price of the combined trip. The consumer is informed that in certain destinations the tip becomes practically mandatory.
6- Delimitation of services. 6.1- Air travel. Presentation at the airport. In air travel, the presentation at the airport will be made at least three hours in advance of the official departure time, and in any case the specific recommendations indicated in the travel documentation provided when signing the contract will be strictly followed. When contracting individual services, it is recommended that the client reconfirm the flight departure times at least 48 hours in advance. And in all cases, on return trips, since your reservation could be unilaterally canceled by Cía. Aerial 6.2- Hotels. The quality and content of the services provided by the hotel will be determined by the official tourist category, if any, assigned by the competent body in your country. Given the current legislation in this regard, which establishes only the existence of single and double rooms, allowing a third bed to be fitted in some of the latter, it will always be estimated that the use of the third bed is done with the knowledge and consent of the people. occupying the room. This tacit estimate derives from the certain circumstance of having been previously warned, as well as the room being reflected as triple in the forms provided to the consumer in the contract and the tickets and / or travel documentation that is delivered simultaneously to the signing of the contract. . Likewise in the case of double rooms for the use of up to four people, with four beds, when so specified in the program / brochure offer. In the US and in some American hotels in different countries, it is common for rooms with a capacity for four people to consist of two large beds. The usual time for entry and exit at the hotels depends on the first and last service that the user is going to use. As a general rule and unless expressly agreed otherwise, the rooms may be used from 2 pm on the day of arrival and must be vacated before 10 am on the day of departure. When the contracted service does not include the permanent accompaniment of a guide and in the event that the user foresees his arrival at the reserved hotel on dates or times other than those outlined, it is advisable, to avoid problems and misinterpretations, to communicate as far in advance as possible such circumstance to the Organizing Agency, or to the hotel directly. However, the accommodation service will imply that the room is available on the corresponding night, being understood to be provided regardless of the fact that due to circumstances of the combined trip, the time of entry in it occurs later than initially planned. 6.3. Other Services.- On flights whose arrival at the destination is after 12 noon, the first hotel service, when included in the program / brochure offer, will be dinner. Likewise, on flights whose arrival at the destination is after 7:00 p.m., the hotel's first service will be accommodation. A direct air route will always be understood to be one whose documentary support is a single flight coupon, regardless of whether the flight makes a technical stop. In the circuits, the coaches can vary in their characteristics depending on the number of participants. If a sufficient number of passengers is not reached at any exit, it is possible that a minibus or “van” will be used, which, unless expressly indicated otherwise, do not have reclining seats. Likewise, in the description of each circuit it is indicated whether or not the coach has air conditioning, it being understood that it does not have it if nothing is indicated. Transportation in the natural parks for the realization of photographic safaris is carried out in “van” or in all-terrain vehicles characteristic of each country. In all the above cases, the design, structure, comfort and safety of the transport vehicle may not be adapted to Spanish norms and standards, but to those that are specific to the country of destination of the trip. 6.4. Supplementary Services.- When users request supplementary services (for example, sea view room, etc.) that cannot be definitively confirmed by the Organizing Agency, the user may choose to definitively withdraw from the requested supplementary service or keep their request pending. that such services can finally be provided to you. In the event that the parties have agreed to the prior payment of the price of the supplementary services that finally cannot be provided, the amount paid will be reimbursed by the Retail Agency immediately upon withdrawal of the service by the consumer or upon return from the trip. , depending on whether the user has opted for the withdrawal of the requested supplementary service or has maintained the request. 6.5. Circuits.- The Organizing Agency informs the clients that in the circuits specified in the brochure, the accommodation service will be provided in one of the establishments related to the same or in another of the same category and area, as well as the itinerary. The circuit may be developed according to any of the options also described in the program-offer. In the above cases, if the consumer accepts said formula prior to the conclusion of the contract, this lack of definition will not imply a modification of the contract. 6.6 Special conditions for minors.- Given the diversity of treatment applicable to minors, depending on their age, the service provider and the date of the trip, it is recommended to always consult the scope of the special conditions that exist and that in Each moment they will be the subject of specific and detailed information and it will be included in the contract or in the travel documentation that is delivered at the time of signing. In general, in terms of accommodation, they will be applicable as long as the child shares a room with two adults. With regard to the stay of minors abroad, the information provided punctually for each case and what may appear in the contract or in the travel documentation that is delivered when signing it will be used. It is reported that the airline may require a document proving the child's age at the airport.
7. Withdrawal of the consumer. At any time, the user or consumer can withdraw from the services requested or contracted, having the right to a refund of the amounts that he had paid, but he must compensate the Agency for the concepts indicated below: a) In the case of services loose, the totality of the management expenses, plus the cancellation expenses, if the latter had occurred. b) In the case of package tours and unless the withdrawal occurs due to force majeure: 1. Management expenses plus cancellation expenses, if any. 2. A penalty, consisting of 5% of the total trip if the withdrawal occurs more than 10 days and less than 15 days before the start date of the trip; 15% between days 3 and 10, and 25% within 48 hours prior to departure. If you do not show up at the scheduled time for departure, you will not be entitled to any refund of the amount paid, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. In the event that any of the contracted and canceled services were subject to special economic contracting conditions, such as airplanes, ships, special rates, etc., the cancellation costs for withdrawal will be established in accordance with the conditions agreed by both parties.
Cancellation policy
Cancellation at any time after confirming the trip, 10% by management expenses position.
If the cancellation occurs between the time of the reservation and 121 days before the trip, the expenses will be 20%
If you cancel between 120 and 91 days before the trip, 30% cancellation fees.
If you cancel between 90 and 61 days before the trip, 50% cancellation fees.
If you cancel 60 days or less before the trip, 100% cancellation fees.
100% of the total amount if once the trip has started it is abandoned for any reason.
8. Transfer of the reservation. The consumer of the combined trip may assign his reservation to a third person, requesting it in writing 15 days before the start date of the trip, unless the parties agree to a shorter term in the contract. The user is informed that, on occasions, the airlines do not allow the name change on the ticket. The assignee will have to meet the same requirements as the assignor, generally required for the combined trip, and both will be jointly and severally liable to the Travel Agency for the payment of the price of the trip and the additional justified expenses of the assignment.
9. Modification of the contract. The Travel Agency undertakes to provide its clients with all the contracted services contained in the program / offer that gave rise to the package travel contract, with the stipulated conditions and characteristics. Therefore, before starting the trip, you can only make the changes that are necessary and do not alter the fundamental objective of the trip.
If before departure, the Organizer is obliged to significantly modify any essential element of the contract, including the price, it must immediately inform the consumer, either directly, when also acting as a retailer, or through the respective retailer in the other cases. In this case, and unless the parties agree otherwise, the consumer may choose between terminating the contract without any penalty or accepting a modification of the contract in which the variations introduced and their impact on the price are specified. The consumer must communicate the decision adopted to the Retailer or, where appropriate, to the Organizer within three days after being notified of the modification. If you do not notify your decision in the indicated terms, it will be understood that you choose to terminate the contract without any penalty.
In the event that the consumer chooses to terminate the contract, they will be entitled to reimbursement, within a maximum period of one month, of all the amounts paid, or to carry out another combined trip of equivalent or higher quality, provided that the Organizer o Retailer can propose it. In the event that the trip offered was of inferior quality, the Organizer or the Retailer must reimburse the consumer, where appropriate, depending on the amounts already paid, the difference in price, in accordance with the contract.
10. Cancellation of the trip by the Organizer. The cancellation of the trip by the Organizer before the agreed departure date, for any reason that is not attributable to the consumer, gives him the right to terminate the contract in the terms of section 9 and the Organizer and the Retailer will be responsible for the payment to the consumer of the compensation that, where appropriate, corresponds to breach of the contract, which will be 5% of the total price of the contracted trip, if the aforementioned breach occurs between two months and 15 days immediately prior to the scheduled date for the completion From the trip; 10% if it occurs between the previous 15 days and 3 days, and 25% in the event that the aforementioned breach occurs in the previous 48 hours.
There will be no obligation to compensate in the following cases: 1. When the cancellation is due to the fact that the number of people registered for the combined trip is less than that required and this is communicated to the consumer before the deadline set for this purpose in the contract , failing that, at least 10 days in advance of the departure date. 2. When the cancellation of the trip, except in the cases of excess reservations, is due to reasons of force majeure, understood as those circumstances beyond the control of the person invoking them, abnormal and unforeseeable, the consequences of which could not have been avoided, despite have acted with due diligence.
11- Lack of provision of services. If during the course of the trip, the consumer appreciates the existence of a defect or the lack of provision of a contracted service, he must immediately inform the organizer and / or retailer and of course the service provider. In this case, once communicated, the organizer and / or retailer must act with due diligence to find adequate solutions.
In the event that, after the departure of the trip, the Organizer does not supply or verify that it cannot supply an important part of the services provided for in the contract, it will adopt the appropriate solutions for the continuation of the organized trip, without any additional price for the consumer, and, where appropriate, will pay the latter the amount of the differences between the benefits provided and those provided. If the consumer continues the trip with the solutions given by the Organizer, it will be considered that they tacitly accept said proposals. If the solutions adopted by the Organizer are unfeasible or the consumer does not accept them for reasonable reasons, the latter must provide the latter, without any price supplement, a means of transport equivalent to that used on the trip to return to the place of departure or any other that both have agreed, without prejudice to the compensation that may be applicable.
In no case, everything not included in the combined travel contract, (such as, for example, transport tickets from the passenger's place of origin to the place of departure of the trip, or vice versa, hotel reservations in previous or subsequent days to the trip, etc.) will be the responsibility of the Organizer, and there is no obligation to compensate for these possible expenses of independent services If the transfers / assistance from the hotel-airport or vice versa or other similar ones, included in the offer, are not fulfilled, fundamentally for reasons unrelated to the transferor and not attributable to the Organizer, the latter will reimburse the amount of the alternative transport used by the client in the trip, upon presentation of the corresponding receipt or invoice.
12. Responsibility: The Organizing Agency and the Retailer will respond to the consumer, depending on the obligations that correspond to them by their respective field of management of the package trip, for the correct fulfillment of the obligations derived from the contract, regardless of whether they owe them. execute themselves or other service providers, and without prejudice to the right of the Organizers and Retailers to act against said service providers. The Organizer declares that it assumes the functions of organization and execution of the trip. The Organizers and Retailers of package tours will be liable for the damages suffered by the consumer as a result of the non-execution or poor execution of the contract. Said responsibility shall cease when any of the following circumstances occur: 1. That the defects observed in the execution of the contract are attributable to the consumer. 2. That said defects are attributable to a third party outside the provision of the services provided for in the contract and are unforeseeable or insurmountable. 3. That the aforementioned defects are due to reasons of force majeure, understood as those circumstances beyond the control of the person invoking them, abnormal and unforeseeable whose consequences could not have been avoided, despite having acted with due diligence. 4. That the defects are due to an event that the Retailer or, where appropriate, the Organizer, despite having put all the necessary diligence, could not foresee or overcome. However, in the cases of exclusion of liability due to any of the circumstances provided for in numbers 2, 3 and 4, the organizer and the retailer who are part of the combined trip will be obliged to provide the necessary assistance to the consumer who is in difficulties.
Regarding the limit of compensation for damages resulting from non-compliance or poor performance of the benefits included in the package, the provisions of the limitations established in the International Conventions on the matter will be followed. As for damages that are not bodily, they must always be accredited by the consumer. In no case is the agency responsible for accommodation, maintenance, transportation and other expenses that arise due to force majeure. When the Trip is made in coaches "vans" or similar contracted by the organizing agency, directly or indirectly, in the event of an accident, whatever the country where it occurs, the consumer must file the relevant claim against the transport entity in order to safeguard, where appropriate, the compensation of the latter's insurance, being helped and advised free of charge in such efforts by the organizing agency.
13. Duty of the consumer to minimize damage. The consumer is obliged to take the necessary and / or appropriate measures to try to reduce the damages that may arise from the non-execution or defective execution of the contract to prevent it from worsening. The damages that derive from not having adopted such measures will be the responsibility of the traveler.
14. Passports, visas and documentation: The agency is at the client's disposal to inform about the sanitary formalities necessary for the trip and stay as well as about the conditions applicable to citizens of the European Union regarding passports and visas.
All users, without exception, (including children), must carry their corresponding personal and family documentation (ID, passport, visas and that related to health formalities), according to the laws of the country or countries that are visited or in transit. It will be on their behalf when the trips require it to obtain visas, passports, vaccination certificates, etc. If the granting of visas is rejected by any Authority, for particular reasons of the user, or their entry into the country is denied due to lack of requirements that are demanded, or by default in the required documentation, or for not being a bearer of the same , The Organizing Agency declines all responsibility for events of this nature, being on behalf of the consumer any expense that originates, applying in these circumstances the conditions and standards established for the cases of voluntary withdrawal of services.
All users, especially those with a nationality other than Spanish, are also reminded that they must make sure before starting the trip that they have complied with all applicable visa regulations and requirements in order to be able to enter without problems. all countries to be visited, including those in transit.
Minors under 18 years of age must carry a written permission signed by both parents, by the parent who has their custody and custody or by their guardian, in anticipation that it may be requested by any authority.
If you are traveling with minors: minors traveling with both parents must present a birth certificate or family book containing the names of both parents and translated into English.
Minors under 18 years of age who make trips abroad alone or accompanied by a person other than their legal representatives, will need a signed declaration of travel permission whether they carry ID or passport. This document can be obtained at the offices of the National Police, Civil Guard, Courts, Notaries and Town Halls and must be translated into English and validated before a notary.
15. Information that the Retail Agency provides to the consumer. The consumer is informed that at the time of the formalization of the contract, he must demand from the Retailer Agency the pertinent information on the specific documentation necessary for the chosen trip, as well as advice on the optional subscription of an insurance that covers the cancellation costs. and / or assistance insurance that covers repatriation costs in the event of accident, illness or death; and information on the probable risks implicit in the destination of the contracted trip, in compliance with Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws. However, the consumer is recommended to contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, whose information office provides specific recommendations according to destination. For this purpose, we provide the website of said public body, (www.mae.es).
16. Other complementary information: 1 Luggage.- For all purposes and in terms of land transport, it will be understood that the luggage and other personal belongings of the user are kept with him, whatever the part of the vehicle in which they are placed, and that it is transported at the user's risk and expense. Users are recommended to be present in all handling of loading and unloading of luggage. Regarding air, rail, sea or river transport of luggage, the conditions of the transport companies apply, with the passenger ticket being the binding document between the aforementioned companies and the passenger. In the event of suffering any damage or loss, the consumer must present, immediately, the appropriate claim to the Transportation Company. The Organizing Agency undertakes to provide timely assistance to clients who may be affected by any of these circumstances. 2. When the client is going to carry out special activities that by their nature entail additional risks not included in the established Insurance, the Organizing Agency declines all responsibility and advises to individually subscribe licenses through federations or specific insurance for the activity to be carried out. 3 The photographs and maps that are reproduced in the program-brochure are only intended to provide greater information to consumers. In the event of any modification to the establishments, it may not be considered misleading advertising by the Organizer. 4- The organizing agency is not responsible for changes in the address of the hotels contained in the program-brochure after it has been published. as well as the repercussions that said changes entail, (name, services, category of the establishment, etc ...), which in any case will be immediately made known to the consumer.
17. Flight purchase conditions: Customers are responsible for ensuring that the information they provide when making a reservation is correct (dates, times, destinations, names of passengers, etc.). If the data provided by the user is not correct, VIAJES AMIGO, SL and CONOCE MUNDO SL are not responsible in the event that the ticket cannot be issued or the passenger cannot fly. The issuance will only be made once the payment has been confirmed. Therefore, making a reservation implies the complete and unconditional acceptance of the general conditions of sale. Therefore, the buyer will not impose contrary conditions on the seller, unless they have been expressly accepted, regardless of when they are sent to his attention. The fact that at any time, the seller does not impose one or more of these general conditions, does not imply that it waives its right to impose the condition or conditions later. This contract is governed by applicable Spanish legislation.
18. Special cancellation conditions: The consumer is informed that once the airline tickets have been issued, if he wishes to cancel a trip, he must pay 100% of the air ticket when the applied rate so agrees and the corresponding% in the rest cases, as well as the amounts provided in the seventh condition. The special rates carry with them the acceptance of the rules imposed by the Companies. Aerial. We recommend taking out the optional insurance that includes, among others, the cancellation fees.
19. Sometimes the authorities of some countries unilaterally modify upwards, some entrance fees, exit fees, or visits that were already included in the initial budget (Zimbabwe, safaris, etc). These differences, if they occur, will be paid directly by the travelers.
20. Claims. The consumer has the right to complain in writing to the agency, within 30 days after the end of the trip, for the non-execution or defective execution of the contract. The retail agency or the organizer, depending on the case, will have a period of 30 days to respond to the claim raised by the consumer, a period that will begin to run from the day following the presentation of the claim to the agency.
21. Prescription of shares: Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding section, the limitation period of the rights recognized in Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, (BOE 287, of November 30, 2007), will be two years, as established in art. 164 of said Law.
22. Arbitration clause. The organizer expressly declares its resignation to submit to the Transport Arbitration Courts for any question arising from the existence of this contract.
23. Competent jurisdiction: The contracting parties expressly submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Bilbao to resolve discrepancies or claims that arise from the interpretation or execution of the package travel contract and waive their own forum in case it is different.
24. Data protection: VIAJES AMIGO, SL and CONOCE MUNDO SL comply with the guidelines of Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13 on the Protection of Personal Data, Royal Decree 1720/2007 of December 21 by which The Regulations for the development of the Organic Law and other regulations in force at all times are approved, and it ensures the correct use and treatment of the user's personal data. To do this, together with each personal data collection form, in the services that the USER may request from VIAJES AMIGO, SL, it will inform the USER of the existence and acceptance of the particular conditions for the processing of their data in each case. , informing you of the responsibility of the created file (DPD of VIAJES AMIGO, SL: Eduardo García del Álamo, with contact email info@theafricanexperiences.com ), the possibility of exercising your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition, the purpose of the treatment and the communication of data to third parties where appropriate.
25. People with reduced mobility: People with reduced mobility, before proceeding with the reservation request, must inform the retail agency of this situation, in order to assess the possibility and viability of contracting the trip in accordance with the characteristics of it.
In accordance with the provisions of Regulation CE 1107/2006, a person with reduced mobility is understood to be any person whose mobility to participate in the trip is reduced for reasons of physical disability (sensory or locomotor, permanent or temporary), disability or intellectual deficiency, or any other cause of disability, or age, and whose situation requires adequate attention and adaptation to their particular needs of the service made available to the other participants on the trip.
26. Other general provisions: in some cases, VIAJES AMIGO, SL and CONOCE MUNDO SL offer expeditionary trips outside the traditional tourist routes, or trips in close contact with nature, and in many cases coexisting with peoples far from Western customs.
Consequently, the trip that is contracted has specific characteristics that imply, with respect to conventional trips, a greater risk than usual, a risk that the recipient who hires it is fully aware, assuming the responsibility that derives from it and expressly declaring that risk is precisely one of the causes that definitely influence their hiring.
In exceptional circumstances and, in particular, to guarantee the safety of the group as a whole, but also due to weather conditions or unforeseen events, the agency reserves the right, directly or through the co-managers of its group, to substitute transport, accommodation, an itinerary for another, an activity for another, as well as the dates or times of departure without the participants being entitled to any refund for these changes.
Each participant must act in accordance with the elementary rules of prudence, common sense and code of conduct published on this website, obeying at all times the instructions given by the guides and monitors.
The agency. reserves the right to terminate, at any time, the participation of any person, whose behavior may be understood as dangerous for the safety of the group or well-being of the participants, which will not give the right to any refund.
27. Insurance: it is mandatory for all travelers who contract a trip / volunteer with us, that they have travel insurance. If you do not have one, The Agency. will make cancellation and travel insurance available to customers.
28. Validity: These General Conditions and Provisions will be valid until they are replaced by new ones.
The information and contents that appear on this Web Site are for informational purposes, and cannot constitute any kind of contract with the user. VIAJES AMIGO, SL and CONOCE MUNDO SL reserve the right to change, modify and update both the presentation, structure, design and contents of said Web Site, without prior notice. The information contained in the Web Site is offered for the convenience of the Users, however, the information contained in the Web Site may contain inaccuracies, misprints or any kind of error, including access problems. The agency. does not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the information or content of the Web Site. The Agency will try at all times to ensure that these errors do not occur and, if they do, it will proceed to correct and resolve them, as soon as possible and as far as possible. VIAJES AMIGO, SL and CONOCE MUNDO SL have taken the necessary precautions to maintain the security of their Web Site, but they do not guarantee its invulnerability and therefore, they will not be responsible, in any case, for the damages that the interventions Third parties, beyond their knowledge and will, could perform on the contents of the Web Site and, consequently, cause users to access it. The provision of services, content and access to the website www.theafricanexperiences.com it will be indefinite. VIAJES AMIGO, SL and CONOCE MUNDO SL reserve the right to temporarily or definitively put an end to said services, as well as to everything that the Web Site contains and to interrupt access to it, without prior notice and when it deems it appropriate.
All the content of the Web Site (including text, images, trademarks, designs, software, etc.) is the property of VIAJES AMIGO, SL, CONOCE MUNDO SL, its licensors or its content providers and is protected and recognized nationally and internationally. VIAJES AMIGO SL AND CONOCE MUNDO SL own the intellectual property rights over all graphic elements, drawings, designs, services, information and all general content that appear on the Web Site www.theafricanexperiences.com. The rights to all the images that appear on this Web Site are reserved and the reproduction, use, manipulation, distribution or exploitation in any way is prohibited, except as expressly permitted by VIAJES AMIGO, SL and CONOCE MUNDO SL. All rights reserved. The reproduction, manipulation, use of everything contained in this Web Site without the prior authorization of VIAJES AMIGO, SL and CONOCE MUNDO SL as well as the violation of the intellectual and industrial property rights owned by VIAJES AMIGO, SL and CONOCE MUNDO SL It will entail the requirement of responsibility according to current legislation.
The links found on this Web Site, from which you can access other third party web sites and pages, do not make VIAJES AMIGO, SL responsible for the content, status or operation of said sites or pages. VIAJES AMIGO, SL and CONOCE MUNDO SL does not exercise any control over them and that these links appear on the Web Site www.theafricanexperiences.com does not imply that VIAJES AMIGO, SL and CONOCE MUNDO SL They agree totally or partially with the contents, information and services that appear on the linked pages or Web Sites. The establishment of links from other pages and web sites to the Web Site www.theafricanexperiences.com do not convert VIAJES AMIGO, SL or CONOCE MUNDO SL is responsible for the content, services, comments, statements or any other type of elements that may contain or appear on said web sites. VIAJES AMIGO, SL and CONOCE MUNDO SL does not sponsor or guarantee any of these third-party websites, which have been included for the convenience of USERS.
Edition date: December 1, 2020